Azerbaijani Turkic Alphabet and Numbers



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“Azerbaijani Turkic Alphabet and Numbers” marks the debut publication by author Darya Hodaei, positioning itself as a valuable resource for those keen on learning the Azerbaijani Turkic language. Darya Hodaei, the author, has ingeniously transformed Azerbaijani Turkic letters into charming illustrations, designed to particularly captivate younger learners. However, individuals of all age groups can benefit from this visually appealing tool to either initiate or enhance their linguistic skills.

The book showcases the Azerbaijani alphabet in both the Latin script (utilized in the Republic of Azerbaijan) and the Arabic script (commonly used in Iran). Additionally, a helpful table at the book’s conclusion facilitates comprehension for foreign learners by comparing Azerbaijani letters and vowels with their English equivalents.

Darya Hodaei has incorporated elements of Azerbaijani folklore, such as the Papaq (Azerbaijani traditional hat), to foster a sense of cultural connection among young readers. Originally published in June 2021, the book underwent revisions in September, featuring enhanced illustrations and additional pages aimed at improving its usability, particularly for younger audiences.

Beyond teaching the fundamental Azerbaijani Turkic alphabet, the book also endeavors to impart counting skills from one to ten in both Azerbaijani and English. Dr. Darya Hodaei subscribes to the belief that interactive learning games or activities are the most effective means of knowledge acquisition. To this end, she has included a summary page at the book’s conclusion, encouraging children to actively engage with the learning process by locating and counting items introduced earlier in the book.

Darya Hodaei’s alphabet book has been warmly received by the Azerbaijani diaspora in the USA, encompassing Azerbaijanis from both the Republic of Azerbaijan and Iran. She even had the opportunity to discuss her book in an interview on Azerbaijani TV. The alphabet book, authored by Darya Hodaei, enjoys a 5-star rating, and the latest version published by EnglishAzerbaijani is readily available on Amazon, making it an accessible and highly regarded resource for aspiring learners.


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